Posts Tagged ‘Rick Perry’

So far, the two Mormons make sense

September 12, 2011

For those who missed Monday night’s Republican debate, here it is:

  • Reduce spending
  • Cut taxes
  • Reduce regulation

For those  who missed the first Republican debate:

  • Reduce spending
  • Cut taxes
  • Reduce regulation

For those who will miss the next Republican debate:

  • guess what?

So far, the two Mormons make sense. Everyone else plays to the audience and is missing something along the lines of competency.

Also, check the body language to see who has the confidence to move forward. Romney and Huntsman look at who is talking. Bachmann looks as though the guy who’s talking just ran over her dog, seething with no eye contact whatsoever.

If Obama goes belly up, the guy with the smirk, W redux, had better not be the one.  Ye gods and little fishes, once was enough, and it will take generations to recover from that one without fueling the fire again.